
It’s another Eckhart Tolle Friday to get the weekend started with wisdom and enlightenment.

“Whatever you think the world is withholding from you, you are withholding from the world.”

-Eckhart Tolle

I really enjoyed this quote because it reminded me to think positively about myself and the things I want in life. This quote I feel, is talking about how we might think that the world may be withholding a positive affirmation from allowing us to feel a certain way. Perhaps you are feeling like the world is pressing down on you and wondering to the universe why you aren’t happy, instead of focusing on the reasons why you can be happy.

I like to believe that whatever you are thinking, you are subconsciously sending out to the universe. So if you want to be happy, you just begin training your mind to simply be happy. The universe gives you what you send out. So don’t ever think that the world is withholding anything from you. All you have to do is change your perception and attitude.

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